These spiders and their Venom! In Florida it was the Black Widow. And I don't mean that chick that was marrying old guys and killing em. I mean the spider chick. They bite you and they have that necrophiliac poison that causes your flesh to melt. YUM!
And Brown Recluses. They like to hide in... stuff. Stuff that hasn't been moved in a while. As a kid, I wanted to clean my room- just to keep the spiders out. I wonder if that's a myth my Mom made up to make me work?
BUT when we moved to the Pacific Northwest, I discovered a new threat that brought my household terminix alert to amber. The Hobo Spider. !!!
Note that the above is a new site, the old one had some info from a doctor who disappeared after talking about Hobo Spiders. I almost went into shock on that one. Hobo Spiders are BIG, FAST, AGGRESSIVE and their bites are NASTY!
I was sooooo pleased to find that they are everywhere and it is a constant battle to keep them outta the house. They are active mostly in Summer and early Autumn- when they come inside to find a human to feed off of for the Winter.
I have seen them run across the floor going after the dog or one of the kids.
SO I DECLARED WAR on these spiders. Just like the classic line in KOTS: "NO DAMM SPIDERS ARE GONNA RUN ME OFFA MY LAND!"
SO just like those blogs of the soldiers in Iraq, I'm going to keep a blog of my fight against the arachnid insurgence. Yes, spelling errors included and I don't care. The English language is downright goofy in it's rules and usage of letters.
I will not bow down to Spider demands and threats. I will find their bases and eliminate them with extreme prejudice. DIE SPIDERS DIE!, I HATE THEM!! ARRRRRGH!
PS the movie arachnophobia didn't help.
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