Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Spider Phobia Dreamin'

All the leaves are brown, and the sky is grey. I went for a walk, with a gas-powered leaf blower.
The sky was all purple there were people runnin everywhere.
Next thing I know, I'm in the house with the leaf blower- blowing under the stairs and sending dander all over the place.
You know how dreams are, it's like your brain gets bored while you are sleeping and so it messes with you. And whats really weird is how you just accept whatever is going on in a dream. A kangaroo in the bathroom? I'm cool with that.
But as I walk through the living room, there are cobwebs on the rafters containing spiders the size of tennis balls. I shut the blower off so as not to create a spider snow-globe effect inside the house, but it is too late. A big spiderweb begins to trampoline, and the spider tries to hang on, I am against the wall, and I watch amazed as the spider begins to bob up and down more, giving him more force, and on the next upswing he vaults toward me.
In an impossible dream-produced reality the spider arcs across the room towards me. I duck, but the web catches my hair, and he wraps around me like a tetherball. He is by my feet and momentarily stunned (as am I!), but I know it's him or me- fight or flight- and I can't fly in this dream, so I go to crush him- with my hand!
In dreams you sometimes make stupid desicions. Just like in real life. Well, as I move in to smash him, he turns and grabs my fingers and I feel the pain of a sting. Thats when I wake up and notice my hand is tingling before it all fades away. I lay there for a minute wondering why I'd torture myself like that. What strikes me as weird is how my hand was tingling from the dream. It's fine now. I guess Morpheus was right!
The mind makes it real.
You better watch what you say- you better watch what you think- it's the first step to reality!
Be careful what you wish for- your mind may make it real.
And if you have an overactive imagination- your mind may serve you some insanity.
I laugh at my overactive imagination as I put the clothes on that are in a pile by the bed.
Then my imagination conjures up an image of spiders using the night as cover to build spider-condos in the clothes on the floor.
Now they are in my waking eye!

1 comment:

MelanieM said...

I have a fear of spiders and I often have frightening dreams about them. I have learned how to manage my fear from tips I found at I hope this is helpful for others suffering from a phobia.